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Buying unregistered interstate, am I missing anything?


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Mar 14, 2015
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~ Make sure you check there’s no money owed and check that it is it a written off vehicle. You can pay to check against damage claims on it as well.

Is the car stolen?
Has the car got money owing on it?
Is the car a stat write off?
Is the car a repairable write off?

Also doing a PPSR check ?

This is the advantage of buying from a dealer. All of the above is guaranteed, by law a motor dealer must provide clear title.

But there is a loophole when buying an unregistered vehicle, which the dealer could later argue was sold for parts.

I'd think ACT dealers would make the journey over to Queanbeyan (NSW) RMS quite often. And you don't have to register it in person, the dealer can act on your behalf so long as they've obtained your proof of identity, but they shouldn't really do that remotely, without you being there, I mean (in fact, they really shouldn't even sell you the car without establishing your identity).

I assume the vehicle is completely unregistered? If it's still rego'd in ACT then it's perfectly legal to drive it home and (unless it's changed recently) you have two weeks to get the rego swapped over to NSW.

EDIT: I'd actually be asking myself why it's unregistered? Usually, it's only stock that's been sitting around on the yard forever that runs out of rego, and if it's so cheap, why hasn't it sold already?

The phrase "Too good to be true" springs to mind!


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Feb 3, 2018
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If the car is unregistered, I’m not sure what the dealer must legally disclose… So rather than be surprised in a bad way at some later time by what the law doesn’t require the dealer tell you, in such instances, I’d always do my own PPSR check (and pay for the certificate for peace of mind) as well as a PPI from a trusted provider, even if the unregistered vehicle was sold by a dealer ;)

Im almost certain unregistered vehicles wouldn’t come with any warranty or a used car statutory warrant so another thing to check…

And depending on the vehicle commercial value and the previous owners insurance excess, not all water damaged vehicles may have been accesses by insurance assessor’s since some may not even make insurance claims, hence such damage may not even reflect on a PPSR… So as part of your due diligence, I’d find out when the car was last registered and who the last owner was (you’d expect it should be the last registered owner) and then get in contact with them to ask about the vehicles history :cool:

As to getting an unregistered vehicle permit home, these permits have restrictions on when, how long and why the car can be driven on roads. As such I’d be specifically stating my intent that I’d be driving it home to another state when getting such an ACT permit and then also checking with NSW rego authority whether interstate ACT UVP is actually valid in NSW :rolleyes:

At the end of the day, you’ve got to ask yourself whether all that stuffing around is worth the perceived savings considering vehicle cost + PPI (which won’t pic up all issues) + transport (costs of you getting to ACT and then driving home or vehicle shipping costs) is worth it when buying a vehicle unseen and without you personally doing a test drive :rolleyes:

Me, I’d rather pay a little more and get a used car statutory warranty, an ACL statutory warranty and a dealer voluntary warranty. That way if you do have issues you may have a small hope in getting them resolved for free under one of the warranties. After all, it’s not like the USA where you can buy a damaged/non runner luxury/performance vehicle at auction at 50 - 90% off its undamaged price and then fix it for little money… as often seen on youtube… this is real life down under and one may end up paying too much for someone else’s problems :eek:

As always, its a case of caveat emptor ;)

VS 5.0

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This is the advantage of buying from a dealer. All of the above is guaranteed, by law a motor dealer must provide clear title.

Are ACT dealers required to disclose write off details ?

Recent changes to WA regulations are only now requiring written disclosure of such.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
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Are ACT dealers required to disclose write off details ?

Recent changes to WA regulations are only now requiring written disclosure of such.
Who knows what the rules are in ACT :p

So I googled and it seems like the relevant law is the Sale Of Motor Vehicles Act 1977 which is old and seems to predate NEVDIS and PPRS?

A quick skim of Part 3 doesn't flag that there are any real differences when a dealer is selling either a registered car or unregistered vehicle. In both cases there are mandated documents that must be displayed with the vehicle (1) a Notice which must disclose defined info but legislation doesn't say explicitly that it must disclose writeoff info :oops: and (2) Defect Notice which tells you what's borked and supposedly how much it costs to fix :p Warranties may apply but that's based on vehicle age and mileage :rolleyes: Oddly, guarantee title doesn't seem to be strongly states as its wrapped in legalise around securities interest related to PPS legislation as mentioned in section 32A; it's all somewhat legally convoluted really :oops:

The dealer can sell to a trade vendor but this class of buyer is defined as a licensed dealer or a licensed wholesaler so they can't simply claim a consumer is a trade vendor when buying an unregistered vehicle so can't be hung out to dry with little to no protection :cool: whatever the normal protection is :rolleyes:

Interestingly, it seems that is one buys a used EV, it's batteries are excluded from warranty so you've got little comeback unless the manufacturer still warrants subsequent purchasers (other than the original purchaser) ... I'd really feel uncomfortable buying used EV at anything other than throw away prices...


Apr 11, 2024
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Bit of an update.
Had the PPI done.
Mechanically it came back good, except P/S Pump.
But, seems theres some panel alignment issues with the front end but the mechanic couldnt find any structural issues.
This + based on the fact it was apparently traded in end of last year, I gave them a pretty low ball offer.
They seem a little stubborn and stated they would barely move on the original price.
I'll give it some time and see if they come to the party otherwise I'll move on to something else.

vc commodore

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Seeing there are panel alignment issues suggests to me, it has been in an accident of some sorts....

Even sitting for months rings some alarm bells

So I'd give it a big wide birth, considering you can't inspect in person and it sitting so long


Apr 11, 2024
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Mazda 6 Wagon 2.5T, MT-10SP, DRZ-400E Sumo,
Seeing there are panel alignment issues suggests to me, it has been in an accident of some sorts....

Even sitting for months rings some alarm bells

So I'd give it a big wide birth, considering you can't inspect in person and it sitting so long
Pretty much, but if the price point is good, i'll consider it.
For comparison, some VFs aren't far off what they're asking
Don't know why they're so adamant on the pricing considering the points mentioned.
Anyway, they rang me back this arvo but pretty much stated they cant come to the table.
I'll let them sweat a bit and see their reaction over the weekend/Monday, see if they want to meet targets and play ball.