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WAR is getting Close.


no more VK
Nov 7, 2009
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Shitsville Morwell
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we must collectively defend our way of life or sooner
All I've seen happen my entire life is fellow Aussies sell out what I believe is our way of life. If you don't own something how do you control it?
If we stopped selling out is all we need to. What is currently happening in Ireland would you say they are defending thier way of life?


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
What does Ireland have to do with events in Ukraine and Eastern Europe?

But hey, the IRA could try a Hamas style attack on the UK and then the UK could respond in the same fashion as Israel and you can comfortably sit back and say "not my problem".

There are certainly many unresolved issues in Ireland and I'm not going to pretend I know them all or fully understand them but at least they have moved beyond the violence or are you advocating they go back to good old days of random bombings and soldiers patrolling streets of Ireland?

You claim to be against war mongering so please explain how you plan to fix or change these problems?

Ginger Beer

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Mar 31, 2020
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It was only a few years ago that the news was full of all of the issues with corruption within Ukraine

If I'm not mistaken it was/is known as one of the most corrupt regimes in Europe

Luckily for Ukraine there were billions of dollars of financial aid given to help with this issue and support the community, well, until all the aid was syphoned off that is

It's funny how we are backing a country that has a large issue with internal and international corruption with a regime more interested in syphoning funds off than looking after their people

Nothing like a war to kick off a poor world economy



no more VK
Nov 7, 2009
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Shitsville Morwell
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Ireland is defending thier way of life is why I brought them up.
Close the border stop importing preople , stop selling out the country for the next 10 years I dont really care what happens to the rest of the world as long as Australia doesnt take any more people or send any troops to any war we cant help them most of those countryss have been at war longer than Australia has been a country. Stop this green energy bs. If it means theres a whole heap of electronic sh*t we dont get who cares? Piss of all foreign investment in majour infostructure . We cant solve the worlds problem we didn't start them. Think about the same as when you have a friend killing themselves with drugs you don't join them in taking drugs do you?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Melbourne Victoria
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Ireland is defending thier way of life is why I brought them up.
Close the border stop importing preople , stop selling out the country for the next 10 years I dont really care what happens to the rest of the world as long as Australia doesnt take any more people or send any troops to any war we cant help them most of those countryss have been at war longer than Australia has been a country. Stop this green energy bs. If it means theres a whole heap of electronic sh*t we dont get who cares? Piss of all foreign investment in majour infostructure . We cant solve the worlds problem we didn't start them. Think about the same as when you have a friend killing themselves with drugs you don't join them in taking drugs do you?

Your post made me think of that famous quote by Martin Niemöller…

First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me
Last edited:


Can't live without smoky bacon!
Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
Ireland is defending thier way of life is why I brought them up.
Close the border stop importing preople , stop selling out the country for the next 10 years I dont really care what happens to the rest of the world as long as Australia doesnt take any more people or send any troops to any war we cant help them most of those countryss have been at war longer than Australia has been a country. Stop this green energy bs. If it means theres a whole heap of electronic sh*t we dont get who cares? Piss of all foreign investment in majour infostructure . We cant solve the worlds problem we didn't start them. Think about the same as when you have a friend killing themselves with drugs you don't join them in taking drugs do you?
Well get together a majority of Australians who agree with you and change the people representing you in Parliament and have them change laws to your political agenda.

It was only a few years ago that the news was full of all of the issues with corruption within Ukraine

If I'm not mistaken it was/is known as one of the most corrupt regimes in Europe

Luckily for Ukraine there were billions of dollars of financial aid given to help with this issue and support the community, well, until all the aid was syphoned off that is

It's funny how we are backing a country that has a large issue with internal and international corruption with a regime more interested in syphoning funds off than looking after their people

Nothing like a war to kick off a poor world economy

Yes Ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries. The kicked out that corrupt regime for the government they have now who have worked hard to change that behavior. Interestingly, Russia didn't start this war mongering till after the corrupt puppet regime in Ukraine was ousted.

Its also interesting that Zelensky refused to bow to the attempted bribery of one Donald Trump!

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
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VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.
Russia have said at every point stronger support is given to Ukraine they would respond with a nuclear attack. Traditionally nuclear weapons would not come out of the blue. They would only be used as a last resort in a complex situation. The US and Russia had open channels around that to avoid unintentional use. While there are a small number of cases where that failed and an all out strike almost occurred, they account for a small percentage, not something that is a rule.

While that might not be in place now, as it was then, it still is not reason to use them. Strategy is a big part of warfare. Saying something does not equal actions. Saying something leaves the opposition guessing. Questioning. Just as France has said it will not take off the table having French troops in Ukraine. That leaves Russia being a bit more careful about things. It creates another thing to think about. Some of our leaders are saying things that are strategically stupid (through ignorance) like we won’t do it. Or we absolutely wo t have troops there. Why would you do that? Give them more problems, not less. It doesn’t mean they will do it. It means they won’t take it off the table.

I’m not a war monger. I have a keen interest in war history and war strategy. I grew up in a Military family and one hell of a huge library at home around it.

It bothers me that our population does not possess the online skills to recognise deliberately manipulative information that is carefully fed to us.

Algorithms do that. They do not pick sides. They give us what we want to see. What we have been consuming and they do radicalise us quickly. It is the very underlying discourse in the world today and social media organisations are immune from prosecution around the way they use their algorithms. They way the develop them. It’s highly intentional and it all lacks any morals. Social media has the power (and some say) is the power) behind growing social unrest, behind polarisation of global political ideology. It’s a natural evolution of giving us more of what we consume digitally. It is subtle. It’s deliberate.

Every person should be more aware of that.

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
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VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.
My speculative theory on China’s approach to Russia (this is only my unsubstantiated thoughts) is they will be seen to vaguely support them.

If Russia is weakened significantly from this. There are many ways that happens, they could posture to occupy a huge swath of eastern Russia. Maybe as a symbolic means to “support” them or in a situation where militarily and economically the Russians can’t defend, govern or manage the area.

China gets access to an important channel to the melting Arctic Ocean and its increasing importance for resources and transport. It gets access to the resources of the region.

It controls access to other allied borders.

I think there is something in that. It isn’t a situation that could or would pan out currently though. Many other things would have to play out first or I’m really wrong.

What is fact is China has explicitly said to Russia not to use nuclear weapons.

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
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VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.
Fu you sound like a warmongering yank. No wonder the country is fucked half of you people want a war. Russia has destroyed majourity of the western war machines Ukraine has been given and you want to give them more , is there any Ukrianian army left to fight? How many have died so far does that bother any of you? If they are fighting for democercy why didnt Ukraine have an election? Most of the African countrys dont want yanks there Niger doesn't.
How does any of that concern Australia?
Ukraine is currently the second biggest army in Europe. It is not by any means defeated or falling apart.

There are 2million Ukrainians eligible to fight that are currently not fighting yet. It is not a young army. A rage age is in their late 30’s and 40’s.

The failing German Army at its collapse was seeing children fighting. Ukraine is not even close to that as a desperate attempt to save their country.


no more VK
Nov 7, 2009
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Shitsville Morwell
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Well get together a majority of Australians who agree with you and change the people representing you in Parliament and have them change laws to your political agenda.
We will end up as screwed as the people in the UK. I know heaps of people that havent bothered to vote this century its a $20 fine. When you vote 10 times and the turn out you vote for doesnt get in do you bother to vote any more? As far as Aussies doing anything together apart from going to the footy or some other sports event no one cares as long as they are all right. Most of my mates couldn't give a **** plenty of young Aussies will never own a house . Divide and concure why else is all this lbgq and diviserty being shoved down our throuts? Plenty of other people I know will vote labor no matter what as that is how they were brought up. Pitty most labor politicans are sell outs.