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Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you


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Jan 17, 2010
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So got to love this new system of checking in your own bags at the airport. I managed to print what I needed fine but it wouldn't scan once on the belt. So the girl had to spend four times as long sorting out the tag than it would if she was there to tag it herself. What a joke. Cost saving that I doubt is saving money.


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Jun 29, 2018
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People and politicians complaining that we need more state housing for people who "choose" not to work

I acknowledge that some people have a genuine requirement due to "real" medical issues, but supplying homes to professional bludgers and druggies is insane

If you want housing, do what everyone else does, get a job and work for your money

If I was king of Australia I would evict every bludger and druggy and cut their welfare, then, when they complain about it and say it will lead them to crime, lock them in a cell and make them work for their "free" accommodation and food.

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.
True, but to say what she has said either she knows she is lying or she is severely deluded. I'd love to know who told her to say that on her TV campaign? It has no merit whatsoever, and it's something only a 20-25 year old would believe. It is so ridiculous I can't believe she even said it. She might as well said if she gets in that Labor will build the Bass Strait bridge that was costed up 30 years ago on a feasibility study.
Is building a bridge better or worse than 700 million dollar stadium that nobody but the greedy AFL wants?


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Jan 17, 2010
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Is building a bridge better or worse than 700 million dollar stadium that nobody but the greedy AFL wants?
Plenty wanted the stadium. She is not building the bridge BTW, I was merely making reference to her ludicrous claim about how she will solve the housing crisis and that she might as well claimed to build the bridge that we know we will never get. Because both have about the same level of actually happening which is none and bucklies.

Ginger Beer

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Mar 31, 2020
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Is building a bridge better or worse than 700 million dollar stadium that nobody but the greedy AFL wants?
Where did I say anything about a stadium?

As for spending $700 million, I would use that for hospitals and other critical infrastructure, how are the aged care services in Tasmania? Build things that benifits all of the community, and not just one sporting and/or gambling faction

Just 1 new hospital would support alot more jobs in the long run and support the community much better IMO

Disclaimer: I have not given a Fark about any professional sport for years, Superleague killed it for me all those years ago, and the gambling involved in all sports nowadays, hell, people are gambling on kids games now, this has just firmed my resolve that the sporting community has lost its way


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Jan 17, 2010
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Hospitals are already getting rebuilt and made bigger. It takes years though to get infrastructure built, so my guess is the hospitals won't be finished for another few years. The Fed gov is chipping in the majority of funds, and those funds were designated for the stadium. So unfortunately had the stadium fell through we would not have seen the fed funds for any other project.

Also have to remember the biggest income earner we have for the state is tourism. The stadium will bring more tourism and bring in more outside money. Me I'm neither here nor there with it. But I will say that in two hours there were over 100,000 memberships sold for our new AFL team, so people do want it.

Even with all the new hospitals we can't staff them with doctors and nurses. The majority of the staff are on short-term sucumbments borrowed from interstate or overseas. They desperately need more staff but they can't attract them, even when offering higher wages than they would get on the mainland.


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Jun 29, 2018
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There's part of your issue...Paying for fox.....

Have a look at other luxuries you spend money on that you don't need and you can squirrel it away for that elusive deposit.

Yes, there might be a shortage of houses, or so is claimed but it's all pathetic excuses why people can't get one.....

Someone wants something bad enough, they sacrifice things to get it.

Oh and on the subject of alledged shortages....There are 3 or 4 NEW housing estates I am aware of being built in S.A....Have you checked into your neck of the woods for new estates popping up?

They are all surburbian housing developments that are within 40 to 50 k of the CBD, so they're not in the bush .

So it's a classic example of media beat up and people believing it, rather than researching for themselves and discovering it is all B/S
Not much chance of me paying for fox :cool: Never smoked, drunk alcohol or gambled. I'm getting to the end of my working career and have seen a bit in the last 51 years working. First house I bought I was paying something like 18% interest and on ordinary money it was a challenge. I started my working life in the motor trades as a panel beater, soon worked out it was a deadened job. While beating I paid to train in another profession, one that I was passionate about. I have been doing that since, I started at twice what a panel beater earned, now earning 5 or 6 times panel beater wages in 5 months work. Mostly work overseas, Oz operators dodgy, ignore laws and regulation. I enjoy restoring old bomb cars now for enjoyment. No money owing on house and farm and I buy what I want when I want it. I still enjoy my chosen career and will choose when I stop working. I have about 200 years of projects to do when I retire. I do still feel sorry for kids trying to make it, it is harder. Less jobs available now with most jobs paying minimum wage, unless you get help from your family it's very hard.

vc commodore

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Not much chance of me paying for fox :cool: Never smoked, drunk alcohol or gambled. I'm getting to the end of my working career and have seen a bit in the last 51 years working. First house I bought I was paying something like 18% interest and on ordinary money it was a challenge. I started my working life in the motor trades as a panel beater, soon worked out it was a deadened job. While beating I paid to train in another profession, one that I was passionate about. I have been doing that since, I started at twice what a panel beater earned, now earning 5 or 6 times panel beater wages in 5 months work. Mostly work overseas, Oz operators dodgy, ignore laws and regulation. I enjoy restoring old bomb cars now for enjoyment. No money owing on house and farm and I buy what I want when I want it. I still enjoy my chosen career and will choose when I stop working. I have about 200 years of projects to do when I retire. I do still feel sorry for kids trying to make it, it is harder. Less jobs available now with most jobs paying minimum wage, unless you get help from your family it's very hard.

So you are saying you have sacrificed to get what you want?

The same principals apply to this day....It's a case of how much people are willing to sacrifice to get what they want..... ;)

Unfortunately I hear too often people saying they can't save up because of cost of living expenses and next breathe the luxuries that aren't really necessary they spend their money on.

And to be clear, I have no issue what people spend their hard earned on...Their choice, but don't complain they can't save up to buy a house when they do spend on these unnecessary things

I did also put up 1 example of a low wage person, with a young child was able to save up enough for a deposit all by themselves.... ;)
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Jan 17, 2010
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Well looking like Tasmania will be minority government, with Libs winning and Greens gaining seats. I don't know what this means but Greens having more power in the Parliament is not a good thing.


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Dec 9, 2009
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Well looking like Tasmania will be minority government, with Libs winning and Greens gaining seats. I don't know what this means but Greens having more power in the Parliament is not a good thing.

The Tasmanian Hare-Clark Electoral System is quite interesting in that each Division elects 7 members. So, on the face of it, it probably produces a result that is more representative of the wishes of the voters. It’s definitely something I’ll be reading up on, as it does look like an innovative system,


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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I do wonder if the swing towards the Greens was the younger voters and whether at the next election they might pick up more seats again.

I have been seeing heaps in the media about climate change and do wonder if this is why the greens have received more votes this election than they have in the past.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the state and what policies are implemented over the next couple of years and where money gets spent.