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Speed Camera Goes Bye Bye!



about a year ago now this fella decided he was going to do some burnouts on some grass in front of a speed camera so this bloke (from darwin) covered up his numberplates and off he went. but he forgot that he had a for sale sign on his car and so after a couple of days he gets a phone call from somebody who wanted to have a look at the car so he aranged to meet the person and when he did meet the person he was handed a fine by the undercover cop who called about the car. true story


yeah i would have to say they are all just rev raiseing idiots who dont seem to follow the laws them selfs.
i was pulled up about a year ago because i was accused of cutting off a coppa at a round about anyway i saw his blinker onand so did my 3 passengers anyway after he gave me the fine he jumped in his 4wd and did a burn out over unbroken lines a nilly over a island.. what a wanker