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Jokes From Jaime S.


Jaime S.

Did you hear about the two TV aerials that fell in love and got married?
The wedding wasn't that great but the reception was bloody brilliant!

Jaime S.

Does anybody know of the Ford Jokes page (accessed through the toolbar on the left of the Just Commodores Home Page)?
Well, anyway, I copied and pasted it and send it to both Holden and Ford Customer Assistance Offices.
Holden said: Thank You for your loyalty in our company.
Ford said: (Haven't replied!)

Jaime S.

There's a light plane about to crash and there's five passengers on board and only four parachutes.

John Howard says (in his usual slurred speech): I am Australia's Prime Minister, who else is going to run the country?
He takes a parachute and jumps off.

Hillary Clinton says: I could be America's next President.
She takes a parachute and jumps off.

George W. Bush says: I am the President of the United States of America.
He takes a parachute and jumps off.

Now, it's down to the Pope and a thirteen-year-old boy.
Pope: I've lived my life, I'm young you're old, you take the parachute and jump.
Boy: OK, here's a parachute, George W. Bush just jumped with my backpack.