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fuel gauge problem..VYII ute


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
I dont think they know how to do it. I have heard a number of people say that they have had there VY's in to be fixed time and time again and they still cant fix it.

The first car I ever owned never had a simple problem like this that couldnt be fixed.


Well this time they replaced the sender unit. Did nothing. Im not surprised. Once ive finished here im writing another email to Holden to get some answers. :mad:

Professor Vert.

yep, definately a recall, dont take any excuses, it'll need a new revised "MRA" unit, I've done a million!!!!!!!!!


Well since last being on here i spoke to holden and i had to take all the info off the trip computer for 5 fill up's. As well as in that same time i filled up once and then when starting up the needle stayed in the red end the computer was telling me i only had 65k's to go. I'm sure after putting 50 litres in! Anyway i've done my part for holden now they are working on a solution. Anyway what is a "MRA" unit? Im not overly mechanical minded so in plain english please?


They've replaced that, recalibrated using the new software twice, recalibrated once using the sedan software, refixed the lose hose in the tank, checked all the software in the vehicle and are working on two problems: The first is the erratic fuel gauge and the second is the amount of fuel being accessed. they've had all the information they asked from and its now been a week and still no break through. :b:

steve c

Holden have a real problem here. I have 2 VX S2s Acclaims in my family and both suffer from unreliable fuel gauges. In the bottom 1/3 of the tank the gauge and thgerefor the DTE information swings eratcially. Both cars have been back to Holden for a fix without success.
One had a complete fuel sender replacement which involves removing the tank and a calibration and the second vehicle had a calibration.
Heres the interesting bit, now both vehicles show there getting close to empty when there is only room for 50 Lts to be added to the tank, given its a 75 Ltr tank its obvious they have been calibrated to avoid running empty still showing 1/4 of a tank.
Bottom line is we still can't rely on the fuel gauge or DTE information and it appears Holden don't have a propper fix.
All things being equal I still love my Commodores,
steve c


I have a new VZ ute,

And the fuel gauge is allover the place as well.....
I took her to holden and they said they recalibrated it and replaced the sender unit. but to no avail.....its F%&ked

i now just work out howmuch fuel ive used via the computer average fuel cons X km / 100 = how much fuel ive used......


hey everyone. this is my first post on just commodores.

i have the same problem. i bought my car second hand and after a week or to i was only get 18-19 L per 100klm. i took it to holden and they recalibrated it and it stayed around the 12L per hundred klm. but two months later it, now it is going back upto 18-19 L per hundred klm. what do i do next???



Well all that you really can do is keep at holden about it. With the info that i had to get for holden which was given to them on the 10th or 11th of january and they said they might have a result by about the 20th of Febuary! So im still waiting. So just keep at it. :confused: