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Did my mechanic wreck my bottom end?


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Feb 3, 2018
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Mech at the time didn't suggest I replace the lot that was solely my decision. He was like see how it goes.
Yeah, “see how it goes” is code for “I’ve got some big payments coming up and your rebuild will help pay knock them off”.

I‘d say you made the correct call replacing the lot…

It would be interesting to examine each spring coil along it’s length under a microscope to see if there are any visible defects. If there are, you definitely dodged a bullet by replacing them all.

J_D 2.0

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Yeah, “see how it goes” is code for “I’ve got some big payments coming up and your rebuild will help pay knock them off”.
Yup! After all there’s no risk to them if their opinion is wrong, only upside. If one of any item breaks then entropy says the others aren’t too far behind unless there’s an age difference or obvious defect.


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Yup! After all there’s no risk to them if their opinion is wrong, only upside. If one of any item breaks then entropy says the others aren’t too far behind unless there’s an age difference or obvious defect.
Some mechanics think there is no risk to them… But ACL requires service is provided with due care and skill, which also includes the advice they provide.

The law sees them as skilled providers of the mechanical work shitfuckery they dish out… If their advice to their client is they don’t need to replace all springs and soon after “entropy” shows them up for the clowns they are, then such can come back and bite them.

However some seem to think they are immune from being held to account because absolute proof isn’t provided and the facts don’t matter.

vc commodore

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Some mechanics think there is no risk to them… But ACL requires service is provided with due care and skill, which also includes the advice they provide.

The law sees them as skilled providers of the mechanical work shitfuckery they dish out… If their advice to their client is they don’t need to replace all springs and soon after “entropy” shows them up for the clowns they are, then such can come back and bite them.

However some seem to think they are immune from being held to account because absolute proof isn’t provided and the facts don’t matter.

The problem you see is, there are asswipes out there that will make all sorts of claims, you fooked up their car, depite what you have said or done....And then you get people like you that put crap like this out there, blaming mechanics for fooking stuff up with absolutely no proof.

It's as simple as this..PROOF...You need PROOF to do anything about it....

Yes it sucks the Op has copped it up the ass with this...BUT he only has his word against the mechanic and the tow truck driver..I can't see any of those 2 putting their hand up if they went to court saying they fooked the car....Both are going to point the finger at the other or the OP....

If you were ever in the trade, I'd bet my left nut you'd change your tune after the first month of asswipes coming in blaming you for fooking up their car, depite you swearing black and blue you didn't.

And yes, I cop it constantly from asswipes.....They make all sorts of claims I fooked their car up in some way or another....I prove that I couldn't have done it, yet they still point the finger, making outrageous claims like you do, trying to get the owner of the shop to stump up to fix their fook up...

J_D 2.0

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And then you get people like you that put crap like this out there, blaming mechanics for fooking stuff up with absolutely no proof.
Theres a reason I still work on my own cars despite having a bad back and it’s not for the love of it! Been burnt one too many times by dodgy mechanics not doing what they say they would do.

Thats not to say there aren’t good mechanics out there but just like everything in life there are bad eggs that make a bad name for everyone.


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I've had my fair share of stuff-ups by garage owners and their staff. I've had to fix things they stuffed up myself.

Talking to the bloke who I haven't had any trouble with yet, he has shared a story or two about where he works casual misdiagnosing a customers car, and it costing her almost $3k and it still not fixing the issue. The bloke who does some work for me said he told the boss what the issue was, a $160 part, and and hour's labour, not a full trans build like it got, which didn't fix the problem regardless. The customer paid the bill and was none the wiser......

I've had some great mechanics on the mainland and some shoddy ones. I don't have the patience or skill to do too much these days. The bloke I use now seems honest and decent, been a mechanic for over 35 years. So far he has been good and does things the way I would expect. He's happy I have a hoist too and said he can help with any job I want now I have one.

As for getting a mech to own up to his mistake, it's are at best from my experience, but occasionally it does happen.

vc commodore

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Theres a reason I still work on my own cars despite having a bad back and it’s not for the love of it! Been burnt one too many times by dodgy mechanics not doing what they say they would do.

Thats not to say there aren’t good mechanics out there but just like everything in life there are bad eggs that make a bad name for everyone.

We all have stories of being burnt by shoddy tradesman, but there is still the onus on proof being shown with this case.

Another area not considered and it also goes into the burnt basket is, repaires being suggested to being done that aren't required....You also have the flip side of repaires being suggested and the car owner not getting them done, for fear of being burnt, yet are necessary

And yes, I have been burnt by a dodgy mechanics too, but I don't go around tarnishing every single one with the same brush and banging the court drum as a result, whenever something like this crops up...I actually think of both sides and take it from there....