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Bashed By Brick On The Dunny



hows what happened today.
i was at work and mucking around, you know giving people sh#t and getting it back, mucking around, doing a little bit of work here and there. One of the games we play is to "get" someone. to have them "got" is to upset them into retaliation.
retaliation is when they fire up or just cry. you know the game.
i'm a formworker and one of the youngest so people try to hang **** on me all day, and i like it, it's good comraderie. it's never about hate, just passes the time.
anyway, this guy(a mate) was having no success with annoying me and was getting pissed of himself. i just tell him i bumped into his missus the other day or something and he goes quiet for a bit.(got.ha success).
well when all else fails just chuck something at the toilet while you do a turd. which is what he did. it was a port a loo, one of those forever smelly ones with wee stains that don't wipe away. o'k. so i was sitting on this thing when "whack".
he dropped a brick on the roof from the second story. i didn't panic cause i'd been under fire before on the dunny but the next one was when the story changed.
he dropped another and it came through the roof and hit me on the shoulder/back region. i yelled out Fffffffff######@@@@@@@@%%%%k. i deadset crapped myself. didn't know what happened. it knocked me onto the floor. at this stage two things were happening. he thought he killed me and came down to check it out, and i was wiping furiously knowing i was going to punch his head in.
he came over to the door and goes, "freckledick, you all right, freckle, you right mate, f$#k i killed freckle. i kicked the door open and screamed at him then punched him in the head twice. to his credit he moved a bit and only got hit on both sides of his jaw. any way, he turned around and walked away and i followed.
he is a good mate and i was a little confused still. he turned around and i could see how sorry he was, he was devastated. we sort of shook hands a settled down a bit but, later on i said that it just overstepped the boundary and i had to assert myself. he felt better that i punched his head from side to side, cause you couldn't really expect any less and we left it at that. i'm glad i didn't hit him in the mouth or nose, and i'm glad he was man enough to not fight back. that would have been worse cause we really are good mates. he thanked me for not carrying on cause he said he had never felt worse before and i said i was having some guilt for hitting him when deep down i knew he wouldn't retaliate after just smashing my shoulder with a brick. now my dad has lost two workers for the weekend cause he can't move his head from side to side cause of wiplash from me hitting him ( hard head he has) and i can't even move my arm now. the worst part was that all my training went out the window cause voilence was only a last stand when not in the ring(i do muay thai ring fighting)and i just threw punches in blind anger. no discipline or really any technique.
so i just rang steve and told him i'd admit being "got" if he would.
and he did.


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the moral of the story is.....dont trust the strength of port-a-loo roofs......
**** aye...hows ya back ? a brick from up high woulda hurt


yeah it hurts at the moment. starting to stiffen up a bit too. still, it's funny now and i can laugh about it. until i scratch my back, then ouch.


Dec 23, 2003
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Good Story.

Although the moral should be- If your are prepared to dish it out and play the game you should be able to take it without having a swing



New Member
Nov 3, 2003
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QUOTE (OSL-060 @ Jan 17 2004, 02:38 PM) Good Story.

Although the moral should be- If your are prepared to dish it out and play the game you should be able to take it without having a swing

Thats what I was thinking. Its not as if its the first time a brick has been dropped on the port loo roof. It just happens to be the first time its gone wrong.

"It's all good fun until someone looses an eye"


Mr Moderator !
Oct 25, 2003
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QUOTE (Locksmiff @ Jan 17 2004, 02:15 PM) QUOTE (OSL-060 @ Jan 17 2004, 02:38 PM)   Good Story.

Although the moral should be- If your are prepared to dish it out and play the game you should be able to take it without having a swing

Thats what I was thinking. Its not as if its the first time a brick has been dropped on the port loo roof. It just happens to be the first time its gone wrong.

"It's all good fun until someone looses an eye"
Then it's fun that you can't see


um, the thing is, it is a game, till someone gets hurt, and then it is something a bit more serious. the games we play prepare us for these moments. i let him know we stepped out of the game for a moment. he knew it, and you have to understand the dynamics involved. if anyone here wouldn't respond in the same way,( god,he nearly killed me. it was a full brick, and it hit me f@#%en hard.from 2 stories up)then i would watch my back around them forever. it is best to deal with the emotions as they come rather then repress them. a little blow up now and then is healthy cause then it is over. basically i had to let him know i was alright but i also had to let him know that there are limits to our freindship too. now don't worry about me mate, i can take as much as i give other wise i wouldn't play. everyone there agreed with me. sometimes you just have to assert yourself. like my mate said, he feels better that i punched him cause it sort of levelled it. it is the law of man, we respect each other.
locksmiff put it simply. it just went wrong. and we were in different territory. it's easy to say what you'd do, but until it happens, who know's. i was genuinely freaked. out of curiosity what do yo people do for work?


Dec 23, 2003
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To some extent I agree.

No matter what though it was an 'accident' old mate didn't expect the brick to go through the shitta roof. If someone hurts you unintentionally in a game of league for example you don't get up and smack him out. If your wife or girlfriend spills boiling hot coffee on your lap burning your cags in the process you don't slap her down.

All emotional repression aside it takes a bigger man to stay cool and find a more constructive way to vent.

With nothing at all againest you and me in the same situation I would have 'asserted' the bloke right back into the shitta if he came out swinging at me when I was genuinely concerned that I'd hurt the fella unintentionally.

I'm a carpenter/joiner and I've worked in construction so even though I disagree I enjoyed the story and can relate.

My 2c



i'd like to know what other people "think" they'd do.

i want to express that if i thought the guy who did it was a wimp, i wouldn't have considered belting him. i knew he could handle it. i am not a bully.

if it was me who threw the brick, i would have expected the reception i delivered.
i must say, it is my personality though to keep things fair.

i beleive the whole bigger man thing is a cliche. we didn't have time to "talk about it," we had work to do. and dr phil is booked out until next year. ha ha.
i'm not having a go at you, we'd probably get along.
you have to remember, it takes all types of personalities to build a society.
i respect that you'd keep your calm and you might have been a good mediator, but thats just not how it went down.
do you have any examples of your mettle being tested in situations? you've now got me thinking.