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All ok in New Zealand?

vc commodore

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Would you cross a 8 lane busy freeway blindfolded at night? Well why would you want to stand on a active volcano then? This is not a tragedy its bloody stupidity lives lost over bad judgment, your simply playing Russian roulette with your life, just don't get what's the point of standing on a volcano that's already claimed 12 sulpha miners 100 years ago as their bodies are turned in rock fossils. RIP..

As per usual, various things have come out relating to warning signs the volcano may errupt, AFTER it has. But this is typical when tragedy occurs

At the end of the day, people are curious and want to explore....The unfortunate thing is, this has turned disasterous I am sure New Zealanders will learn from this tragedy and put various percautions into place to help prevent it re-occurring

keith reed

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From what I have read, the lawyers over there have already stated, there is no claim to be made as a result of this tragedy.

I can't remember the exact details, but it was something about laws being passed 30 years ago, where people can't sue as a result of this sort of thing occurring.
There was compensation for the Mt Erebus air crash but that happened in 1979 which is well outside the 30 years.
From what I have read, the lawyers over there have already stated, there is no claim to be made as a result of this tragedy.

I can't remember the exact details, but it was something about laws being passed 30 years ago, where people can't sue as a result of this sort of thing occurring.
You are correct. I just checked it out.
NZ accident compensation scheme covers the cost of all injuries and bars all victims from taking legal action against the operators.
Whether or not claims could be made in the States for it's people, who knows.

Trevor loves holden.

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^^^^ ……... With that type of thinking, the residents of NZ should all emigrate to Australia and live out near Bourke somewhere, because the whole of NZ is likely to either erupt, flood, landslide or become liquified during an earthquake.
Same for the residents of any town between Melbourne and Adelaide, as that belt is home to many dormant (not extinct) volcanos which could become active next week, next year, next century, or in 10,000 years time. If I were you, I'd be heading across the NSW border.

Over 35 people have died climbing Uluru, that is more casualties in a less time period than White Island. There was more concern towards the cultural aspect of climbing Uluru than the safety.

Who in their right mind would strap themselves in a tin can and hurtle at 100kmh towards another tin can coming toward you at the same speed. Similarly, why strap yourself in a cylinder with 200 others, and travel at 900kmh, at an altitude where there is insufficient air to survive if the cylinder came apart.
What about tying some planks to your feet and sliding uncontrolled at high speed down a snow covered mountain ?
People live in high rise apartments, how many thought that a fire could kill you while you were watching TV.
Why do people smoke cigarettes?
Humans are inquisitive and adventurous, it’s our nature.

If the island had erupted sometime during the last week of March 2020, I may have been making the headlines. I have done many other potentially dangerous, but everyday mundane activities during my life. But I won't be going to see White Island now, it will be off limits..
If you can honestly state that you have never done anything that could result in your death, it is time to shut down the computer and die from boredom.
**** happens, and people die. This tragedy is nobody’s fault, but I’ll bet that the judicial system will find different.
Big different walking on to a Volcano when for 2 weeks they known of the solfa levels were rising, driving or even been in a car or plane which are more controllable than the un-known, risk factors are there in everything we do in life but on scale 1 to 100 I would say going onto a active volcano will rate very high in risk taken than saying climbing a rock or driving a car, air travel well that's up there probably 50/50. Tragedy maybe but a unnecessary one.

Trevor loves holden.

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Jun 6, 2019
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There was compensation for the Mt Erebus air crash but that happened in 1979 which is well outside the 30 years.

You are correct. I just checked it out.
NZ accident compensation scheme covers the cost of all injuries and bars all victims from taking legal action against the operators.
Whether or not claims could be made in the States for it's people, who knows.
Only people to blame is their own they didn't force them onto the rock, maybe they can help pay for funerals just to show compassion but money no they should not be held responsible.

vc commodore

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There was compensation for the Mt Erebus air crash but that happened in 1979 which is well outside the 30 years.

You are correct. I just checked it out.
NZ accident compensation scheme covers the cost of all injuries and bars all victims from taking legal action against the operators.
Whether or not claims could be made in the States for it's people, who knows.

From what I have read, no one can make any claims from any where in the world.....Something was mentioned about going after the organiser of the cruise, but it was then mentioned that it happened in NZ, not the country where the cruise liner is based, so they would be dealing with NZ laws

Of course, this maynot be 100% true, as I am only going by what I have read in the paper....Time will tell though, so we will wait and see what transpires as a result

vc commodore

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Big different walking on to a Volcano when for 2 weeks they known of the solfa levels were rising, driving or even been in a car or plane which are more controllable than the un-known, risk factors are there in everything we do in life but on scale 1 to 100 I would say going onto a active volcano will rate very high in risk taken than saying climbing a rock or driving a car, air travel well that's up there probably 50/50. Tragedy maybe but a unnecessary one.

This stuff has only come out AFTER the erruption....And like all tragedies, stuff like this comes out AFTER it has occurred.

So honestly pointless pointing the finger at anyone over this....The only thing that can be done, is learn from this tragedity and adjust our habits accordingly...And I'm sure the New Zealanders will look at what occurred and adjust habits accordingly

And a little tip...Money can't change the past.....So sue if it is possible (which I doubt can occur), but no amount of money can change what has happened and it can't take away the pain of loosing someone, or the suffering the survivors are going through


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Yes, we have ACC so individuals can't sue however that doesn't stop the government and worksafe for taking the tour operators to court under various H&S laws.

One of the questions been asked now is if the monitoring of White Island is up to standard to manage this situation and prevent further tragedies. I guess as a local I am aware of White Island but tourists only see a brochure with pics of an island with some steak emanating from vents around the crater without truly understanding how active the volcano really is.

People have been traveling on trips to White Island or Whakaari for over 30 years without incident. There will always be a risk traveling to a live volcano but the fascination of such a place with reasonably easy access will always appeal to some. I'm sure that the people who organise these trips must have thought that the risk level was very low even if only to protect their back pockets.
New Zealand has a fault line that runs from one end to the other. There will always be risks from volcanic activity however people still manage to go about their daily life. I'm quite sure if these events occurred on a regular basis then the place might well be deserted.
I lived in New Zealand for over 45 years and was on no occasion at risk from volcanic activity. Unfortunately the lawyers will already be rubbing their hands together in anticipation of the money they are going to make.

I would disagree. Here in NZ there is always a risk of volcanic activity. Auckland is build on a dormant volcanic plateau which some scientists say is overdue for another eruption. Volcanic eruption is the major focus of civil defence here in Auckland where as earth quakes are more the focus elsewhere due to those fault lines. I live in Auckland and the thought is there but I'm not going to leave Auckland because of a possible eruption.