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  1. VSYoot

    Pete's 02 Ultra

    My old Girl, still a standard 88 cube jobby. A true touring bike I can sit on for 8 hours straight.
  2. VSYoot

    Considering a X8 or Adventra - NooB Questions

    G'day all Wanted to pick your collective brains on these jiggers. I need to update my old VS ute to something more family friendly. I've been looking at Crewmans, simply because I can't get enthusiastic about modern diesel dual cab turds - and the X8 and Adventras have just come onto my...
  3. VSYoot

    597Kw Supercharged VE SS

    G'day guys, Pete here from central Vic This is one of my first posts but I have been a long time lurker. MY wife has a VP Berlina and I have a VS Ute (V6 Getrag) as a dirty daily. This forum helped me with my 5 speed conversion and a heap of other tech questions I have had over the years...