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  • Hey mate.
    Tas just made a "Group" called Stereo Speaker Harness Group
    Just click on your forum name up the top of the page and click join groups in the left hand side column and it should come up.
    Setting up my shed is sort of like a hobby in itself. When I was younger I never had anywhere decent to work on cars, now its actually fun, and soo much bloody easier having the right gear.
    Ha, got that sorted long ago, I get mine delivered to work, then straight in the shed as soon as I get home :)
    Yea, I thought the spend was over on her for a while, but still getting things just right. If the misses knew I was still spending on stuff she would kill me ha ha
    Given your Inbox is full I will leave this message here...

    Good Luck for tomorrow Wombles. I hope it goes great.
    HAHAHA I think her name is joey i went to primary school with her, She was a meme on 7chan and 4chan about 5 or so years ago.
    Search "chin chan" or "MiRtA La GlAm" for more pics if you want to see more. If you ever meet her DON'T say anything about the meme's because she will probably go off her head about it LOL.
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