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  • Aaah k. We're moving this weekend from Bargara to Bundaberg and the new place doesn't have ADSL available ATM, so looks like we'll be going wireless; from 100GB down to something like 8GB....DOH!!!!
    How you goin you ol' bugger? Havn't seen many recent posts from you?
    Kind regards Ross.
    Hi Calaber, you cranky ol' bastard! I have sent you a friendship request, I like your style and we seem to agree on a lot of things on the forum. I'd be glad to add you as a friend. Regards, Ross- VYMAD.
    Calaber your good with the ol' "know how" of Berlina's and Calais's. Just wondering i have what i believe is a Series 1 VY Berlina, and i'm wondering if this VY HBD Front Bar Lip

    GENUINE HSV VY BERLINA S1&2 & CALAIS S 1 FRONT BAR LIP - eBay Body Kits, Exterior, Car, Truck Parts, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 03-Nov-10 09:29:01 AEDST)

    Is simply something that sits over the original front bar, because as i see it the front bumper is a whole one piece assembly and does not come apart.

    So is this lip more of an extension onto the old one i guess is my question AND how is it secured and attached?

    I feel my Berlina just needs something extra on the front to even it out and lower the front a little.

    Thanks a lot.

    Kind Regards, Luke.
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