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Happily Ever After

Mavericks Choice

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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VF2 SSV M6, VF2 LS3 Calais V, VZ 6L M6 Crewie

Shlomo and Ruth were celebrating their wedding anniversary. Their long lasting and happy marriage was the talk of the Edgware community.

So, it was no surprise when a Jewish Chronicle reporter came to see Shlomo to ask him the secret of their successful marriage.

"Well, it dates back to our honeymoon," explained Shlomo. "We visited the Grand Canyon and took a trip down to the bottom of the canyon on mules.

We hadn't gone very far when Ruth’s mule stumbled. She looked at the mule and quietly said 'That's once.'

"We had only proceeded a little farther when the mule stumbled again. Once more Ruth looked him in the eyes and quietly said, 'That's twice.'

We hadn't gone more than a half-mile more when the mule stumbled a third time.

This time, Ruth promptly removed a revolver from her rucksack and shot the mule dead.

"I started to protest over her treatment of the mule when Ruth looked at me and quietly said, 'That's once.....'."