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  1. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    fair nuff had the stockies onthis weekend so you might get some vids soon
  2. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    what makes that video so gay ??? im not the first and i wont be the last person to pud a vid of there car on the net thanks for everyone elses comments
  3. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    hey fellas few updates on the car , got an F.I.T a2a cooler coming next few weeks +19psi pulley and powerbond balancer,then tune her up and skate away few more pics And a small vid to keep the people happy cheers james medrivingjames.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  4. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    imfullysickuleh : yeh i was up at winton the other week few mates were driftin awesome weekend, i won the show and shine mainly coz i was the only one entered ahah jesterarts: the fronts are pedders adjustable coilovers and the rears are stock compressed
  5. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    thanks champ , yeh its an awesome spot down there shame i didnt hvae my tripod coulda got some better snaps
  6. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    thanks for the kind words fellas car is up on the fit website hence the fit parts the car is exactly wat i wanted and all i can say is goin from a vn exec to this is a massive step up ill get some pics up asap fellas
  7. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    here ya go fellas ill get some more up tonight plates rent on the car anymore will be wearing my plates soon
  8. G

    CALPSI VX Calais L67

    [CALPSI] Slammed&Charged Vx **Calais Pics&vids Pg1** hey guys and girls finally picked myself up a new ride and i couldn"t be happier Quick rundown Cars a 01 vx calais series 2 Supercharged. 10psi pulley, 1:97 rockers , pacies 3 inch exhaust fit 81d degree thermostat, thermo switch f.i.t...
  9. G

    wk steering wheel onto Vx

    hey guys just wanting to know if there would be any hassles with puttin a wk wheel into my vx calais physicaly it can work but wat bout th eplugs for air bag and steering wheel controls has it been done b4? chers James
  10. G

    Post your VT - VX pictures here

    my pride and joy picked it up a few weeks ago some mite know the car as BLNVX6 cant be any happier with it its the best thing i have ever laid eyes on and get praise whenever it stops
  11. G

    VB sle chrome Centre caps

    hi has anyone got the part number for the Chrome centre caps to suit cepters?? i know it starts with M thats it
  12. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    yeesh that sucks wat any idea wat he did with the motor
  13. G

    Fuel Gauge Question

    thanks heaps for your help fellas got back to work yesterday (i work at holden) checke dthere manuals and found my answers cheers
  14. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    yeh from vic mate probly know me from vicstreetscene you still got your white calais? Bz Kn33z: springs aren't chopped they are compressed
  15. G

    Fuel Gauge Question

    just a quick question to those that might know, im buying an autometer fuel gauge for the vn and thought anyone would do till i got asked wat ohm rating gauge i wanted this stumped me so the question is wat ohm reading should it be on emtpy and full anyhelp greatlly appreciated cheers James
  16. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    on its way champ just waiting for some money to come through and it'll be all systems go Luvin your GTS by the way
  17. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    Fe2 Compressed dont even know why i bother with springs it just sits on the stops all the time anyway
  18. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    few more recent pics last pic is how i hope the car ends up at the end of the build:D
  19. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    yeh keeping it white but just deciding which white to go for, Subaru STI white or holden heron white or maybe a lexus white its called crystal pearl shine
  20. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    thanks for all the comments fellas, wheels are now im motion, cars getting pulled off the road for a good few months as of the next coupla weeks for the following. *5ltr Conversion *Respray-including shaving the handles and fuel flap *some nice rollers(VE GTS 20") *and some new seats and...
  21. G

    Fitting HID kits Issues/things to look out for

    hey all just a few questions to those more knowledgeable about fitting HID kits to a VN is there anything you gotta do or is it all plug and play? ive heard some stories of people puttting them in then after a while the plastics inside the headlight melt? any help is much appreciated...
  22. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    thanks fellas ive actually had the car for about 2 years now got it off th eold man sittin higher than a 4x4 and in a sad state but alot of weekends with the buff and more tubes of autosol than i can count have brought it up2 a car that i love 2day :dance: as for wheels im ordering FR19's...
  23. G

    Throttle body 100% open HOW-TO

    did this to my TB yesterday very noticble difference plant it off the line and it just lights up all the way to 2nd gear, thanks for throwing this up cheers GMTANK
  24. G

    I wanna get a VN. Drift drift drift I SAY

    get an exec vn manual spool exhaust and a set of rockers for some more torque and your set a few urethane bushes slam it so its nice and stiff, ive got an adjustble panhard rod and all bushes are urethane and its awesome to drift and mines auto
  25. G

    GMTANK'S VN Exec

    GMTANK'S VN Exec*New Pics* hi all thought id throw up my VN little background, the car was dads from new, then i grabbed it when i got my p's, drove it for all of one week and cooked the motor, so threw another one in same thing after 4 months, bought another one and i think it was third...
  26. G

    rediculous fuel usage

    hey guys ive got a 1991 vn v6 s2 auto just catback and good intakenow thing is its been drinkin like a fish lately no matter how i drive or wat fuel is used. i filled up 4 days ago and its almost empty and the trip is readin a very poor 150:bang: now the car has new dfi,coils leads plugs O2...
  27. G

    Cold Air Intake

    i did mine yesteday 100m hole saw cut the hole dunder the airbox the used a 100mm piece of 90 degree pvc pipe bolted under neath but aimed it towards that gap ion the front bumper so it drwas in nothing but cold air, cut the same size hole in the box the linned the inside of the box with heat...
  28. G

    WH International hitting Limiter and wont change?

    hey guys a mates wh keeps hittin the limiter in first when you have it in drive even accelarating slowly it wont change till its sat there for like 10 seconds? theres fluid in it so could it be a solenoid problem?? cheers
  29. G

    All Interior Lights stop Working When Headlights turned on

    hey guys weird problem here ive got a vn exec now when i turn the parkers on everything works clkuster shifter lights outside and in but as soon as the headlights are turned on they all go out ive tried changin all fuses and ive tried with 3 diffrent switches and its a no go if anyone can help...
  30. G

    RE vn turbo and stuff goin cheap

    gday champ is there any chance of gettin some pics of the manifolds?? does it sit the turbo upfront infront of the pulleys or of to the side?? cheers James