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  1. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    Hi All. I am trying to insert a couple of photos that might be of interest to some. One picture is my solution to the badly thought out position of the Power/Economy switch. Fancy mounting a switch on a horizontal surface. Of course it was always going to fill up with crud and fail. The switch...
  2. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    Part 2 Please delete the previous list, and replace with this updated list. Holden BCM Numbers 92044 097 VR I Mid: with key override. 92044 293 VR Bosch Lux. 92043 498 VR I Low: with key override. 92042 522 VR I...
  3. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    The above chart is for the VS. Wayne.
  4. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    Does anyone have a chart like this for the VR Commodore? I could really do with a copy. Wayne.
  5. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    Trying again to post the security override switch pics. I've never seen these on the site anywhere, so I thought that forum members would like to see. Wayne.
  6. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    I do not have the VIN's of any of the B.C.M's For information on the series 1 B.C.M's see the above list. The VS Commodore series 1 B.C.M. has a timed security override of forty-five minutes, which is different to the B.C.M's fitted to the series two VS Commodores. I would post some...
  7. Climate Change Skeptic

    After market stereo

    Your radio might have Local/distance switch or button that is not set to distance. Remember. When all else fails, read the manual. Good luck. Wayne.
  8. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    Silly question time. How does one tell which VR, or VS of a model is a Series 1, 2, or 3? I have information regarding some BCM features that change depending on which series it was fitted to. Wayne.
  9. Climate Change Skeptic

    Some B.C.M. Information Pt 1

    Hi Folks. I have compiled a list of “Body Control Module” numbers for VR and VS Commodores. These numbers I have collected from any source that I could find. It is amazing how once an error gets into print how it gets repeated. These have been checked and rechecked to confirm their...
  10. Climate Change Skeptic

    Yes this is a "whats this for" but im so confused

    It is just an antenna cable going to a coupler. There is no need to have a hole through the glass to connect to the antenna. The two plates one either side of the window glass, form a capacitor to let the radio waved to pass through. Capasitive coupling. Wayne.
  11. Climate Change Skeptic

    What BCM do I have?

    The kind of damage sown on the circuit board of the B.C.M. is typical of arcing caused by a dry joint passing a large current. I would , however suggest checking all the fuses to ensure that they are of the correct value. Good luck. Wayne.
  12. Climate Change Skeptic

    What BCM do I have?

    The 795 is a high level B.C.M. for a VR Commodore, and will not replace 149 which is a high level B.C.M. for a VS Commodore. I am doing some research on B.C.M.'s in Commodores, and will post the results once I can verify all the information. Will begin with VR, Vs series. Wayne.
  13. Climate Change Skeptic

    What BCM do I have?

    Hi. My records say that the 92049 149 is a Hi level B.C.M. for a VS Calais, Statesman, and Caprice. Wayne.
  14. Climate Change Skeptic

    VS Coolant leaking from gearbox area

    My commodore just had its heater tap replaced as it had a small leak that became worse when the water pump was replaced. Wayne.
  15. Climate Change Skeptic

    Dual Fuel.

    Hi. I drive a 1993 VR wagon with petrol/L.P.G. Does anyone have the operating instructions for the system? After two years of driving the car, I am still learning about hor it operates and how to use it. I would like to learn about the Government incentive scheme where owners were subsidised...