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  1. luke23

    whats this exhaust?

    Yeah so I was looking at throwing this exhaust on and the guy who had it swears in was on a vr calais (so a sedan) but someone else who worked at an exhaust shop is saying it could be off a wagon, anyone know for sure? From what ive heard theres a slight difference in length an they can be...
  2. luke23

    fuel pump no power, ecu? bcm?

    Hey guys just brought a new vr, last night the car cut out, couldnt hear the fuel pump priming when I tryed to start it. Called nrma and they said the fuel pump had no power, the key is flat dead so could it be something to do with that? I know the key makes contact with the ignition barrel so...
  3. luke23

    rb engines, high vs low compression

    Ive done a search and couldn't really find much on this, I found people mentioning small things about compression but not really in detail. But anyways I seen someone write something about low compression being better when an rb engine is converted to turbo and saying high compression's bad...
  4. luke23

    so, how about them volts..

    Anyone got one? I seen a few of them at the start of last year at a dealership but I dont think Ive seen one being driven on the roads, like ever, anyone know any sales figures or anything for them? I was always interested to see how they would sell
  5. luke23

    The "dumb offers" thread

    So with all these facebook buy and sell pages these days I see so many idiots offering to swap stupid or random items for cars for sale even though they're worth like 10x more than whats being offered to swap. When I was trying to sell one of my old commo's I got offered some crummy little...
  6. luke23

    vr fuel/pump problems?

    Okay so I brought a vr wagon, ran fine, then wouldn't start, check everything couldn't figure it out, got someone to come check and they said it was the fuel pump, I could still hear it buzzing when I tryed to start so I ruled the pump out, the engines getting fuel but apparently there's no...
  7. luke23

    cars you've painted yourself (upload pictures)

    There's a few threads here and there with photos of cars people have painted themselves (whether it be homejob or at work)but maybe this could be the official thread and if it gets enough photos then maybe made into a sticky thread at the top of spray painting and panel page, so yeah, commence
  8. luke23

    vr running fine now wont start

    Okay brought a vr, ran fine when i first got it, started up fine ect, and then it all of a suddon stop starting, put another battery in still wont kick over, the engine still turns but wont quiet kick over, immoboliser light isnt flashing, doesnt appear to be the starter moter but not 100%...
  9. luke23

    vr/vs alternator

    Okay just want an accurate anwser, there's heaps of threads already but everyone just argues and gives their own opinion, so who knows for sure if an alternator straight of a vs ecotec will go onto a vr engine? They look differant and no one seems 100% sure, so gold star for whoever can tell me...
  10. luke23

    vl kicks over, idles, cuts out

    So i just got a vl a few weeks ago, anyways now when i start it, it kicks over then revs heaps low then cuts out and it only keeps running if you rev it, im thinking fuel pump? It could be a few differnt things obviously but just looking for a starting point on where to look orxwhat the problem...
  11. luke23

    lukes S2 black vs calais

    well I recently moved from the Nowra area of NSW's to QLD, my old vs berlina just had to many problems so I pretty much gave up on it which was a hard thing to do since it was starting to make some real progress, anyways this is my new series 2 v6 auto vs calais, I've always like black...
  12. luke23

    nsw's to qld license change

    hey guys i just moved to qld from nsws, i was on my 6 month of green p's in nsw's and was wondering -what will happen if i change my license to a qld one? -what would happen if i changed from a qld license back to a nsw one -also if they have any differnt rules to nsw's p platers -and can i...
  13. luke23

    after spray work?making it look good

    i used the search feature but i felt i needed a more specific anwser so i made a thread so anyways my car just got resprayed gloss black in arcrilic mixed with clear, but to be honest it came out a little rough and patchy, it hasnt been wet sanded or buffed or anything yet and clear hasnt been...
  14. luke23

    painting actual speaker..

    long story short my friend had some subs and they were this daggy red colour, so he just resprayed the actually speakers black, it looks good and they dont seem to sound any different, but i said its probly not the best for them but he seems to think its fine, obviously you wouldnt do this to a...
  15. luke23

    thanks for nothing

    so heres the story, i seen a car for sale on the internet and it was advertised at a dealership in sydney, anyway i called them up and they said the car was in immaculant condition, drives great, good gear box ect, and in one of the photos it looked like some off the paint was abit dodgey, so...
  16. luke23

    n.s.w's rego question

    hey i was wondering if say you had a car with 8 months rego and you blew the engine or something, could you cancel the rego until the car gets fixed, because theres no point letting the cars rego slowly run out if you cant even use it, I looked on the rta site but they didnt have an exact anwser...
  17. luke23

    door problems

    my doors make this noise when i unlock them and i know it's the actuator, but im not sure if its the front drivers door or the door behind it, or mabey both, i press unlock and the drivers door unlocks and makes a noise, then i press unlock again and all the doors unlock and the noise goes off...
  18. luke23

    touch up q's

    hey today i went to autobahn and got them to mix up some paint for my cars colour code into a spray can, a while ago i took my trolly strips and the paint under neath was wrecked, so how would i go about fixing this up, i also brought a can of clear, just wondering about how many coats, how...
  19. luke23

    old strero needs a code, will the new one?

    so i unhooked the battery and now my stock stereo needs a code, i was randemly pressing buttens and thought i found the code, it unlocks for about 2 minutes then i need to do it again, anywayyssss ive got a brand new headunit here and i was wondering if i put it in if i would need a code still...
  20. luke23

    wierd noise(help quick need car for next week)

    okay so my cars been making this noise, i know theres alot of these kind of threads but none of them help me as i have covered whatever ends up being the issue with there car, okay so my car has been making a noise when i start it and drive and occasionally the noise stops for a while then...
  21. luke23

    [NSW] WTB lowered springs vs(IRS) and/or camber kit

    ITEM: looking for some springs to lower a irs vs, and possible a camber kit, if no one has any for sale i will just get all brand new stuff i was just hopeing to save some cash LOCATION: n.s.w (near nowra, southcoast) CONDITION: new or used(if used in alright condition) PRICE:just...
  22. luke23

    [NSW] vp commodore **SOLD**

    ITEM: 92 executive vp(mabey 93) LOCATION: just outside of nowra YEAR: 92/93 SERIES: vp BADGE: executive ENGINE: 3.8L 6cyl TRANSMISSION: auto COLOUR: white EXTERIOR CONDITION: incredable INTERIOR CONDITION: like new, always taken care of TYRE CONDITION: unsure...
  23. luke23

    everyone asks but just quickly

    okay so im not to bright when it comes to the whole subs wireing rms watts deal thing so i have a 1000 watt sony explode sub, it's already in a box, and it doesnt say anywhere what the rms is, so what amp will i need to power it the best? i know theres a million what amp threads but i couldnt...
  24. luke23

    sub tubes

    okay probs asked a few times and ive gone threw the threads and searched it and cant really find the anwser im looking for so anyways you've probs all seen them, the sub tubes that have a build in amp they seem good because they dont look messy with all wires and seem easy to set up but would...
  25. luke23

    lukes berlina

    today i picked up my first car its a series II berlina so far so good, just some clearcoat coming of in some spots and a problem with the doors locking/unlocking,didnt relise till after i got it but ahwell im happy with it and im glade i own one of my faviourite cars on the road not many...
  26. luke23

    crash stories?

    hey, pretty sure everyone has some kind of story of being in a car crash or crashing, so decided to make a tread for it, ive only been in one, i was in the back and the driver did a u-turn infront of a car, it hit us going about 40 but everyone was alright, only our car was smash cause the other...
  27. luke23

    stereo problems

    recently my stereo(just a stock tape player atm) has been turning on but wont play music or anything, but sometimes it will be on and music playing but then i will go over a bump or something and it will still be turned on but the music will stop, so having no idea about electrical faults, what...
  28. luke23

    no idea about subs

    i dont know alot about subs, amps, headunits ect i just want a good bass sounding car but dont really know how to hook them up or a few other things, these are some things im not sure about 1.i have a tape player stereo, so do i need a whole new stereo or can i just get a new headunit that i...