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  1. elmaso

    VS alternator wire burnt out?

    Car died the other day, lost all power, just thinking my alternator died take a look at the connections to the alternator to see the main wire running from it was burnt to hell and had pretty much snapped off. So just wondering what is needed to he done to replace/fix this problem
  2. elmaso

    Drivers side door hard to close/won't close

    massive problem, the door is has been bullshit to close, and last time i only just closed, had to dukes of hazard it out, got many retarded looks, from what i've found from search someones said hinge pins? just wondering if anyone car get me a picture of what they should look like in the door...
  3. elmaso

    VS commodore won't start

    Another problem with my beloved berlina, it won't start, it will crank, you can hear the fuel pump but it just wont fire. it did start once, but took a bloody while to get it going. the same day, the car stalled on me about 5 times when left in D, had to sit it in neutral just to keep it...
  4. elmaso

    VS ABS fault 25

    Well as the title suggest, i did an ABS fault code check on my berlina and it threw a code 25, front left speed sensor problem, i was just wondering what would be a solution to this problem? new speed sensor? maybe needs a clean or something? any help is much appreciated! i like not having an...
  5. elmaso

    VS commodore blows white smoke

    My series 1 VS was running until operating temperature the other day, then it decided to start pouring out a lot of white smoke, had a strong smell of fuel to it as well, when I popped the bonnet everything looked fine, but the dipstick was covered in oil, like it just sprayed it upwards. also...
  6. elmaso

    power window stopped working.

    this morning as i put the passenger window down to clean **** off the window, it just died, no sounds, no movement, just dead. now i'm after a quick fix to get my window up, (apprentice wages) for until i get up money to spare for it! so any suggestions are appreciated, cheers!
  7. elmaso

    VR calais sagging door trims

    As the title suggests, my calais front door trims are sagging causing them not to meet the thing that surrounds the button on the door and they'll vibrate like crazy and are pretty damn annoying. Just wondering if anyone knows what cause the door trims to sag over time and if theres anyway to...
  8. elmaso

    VR calais low speed steering knock

    As the title suggests at low speeds my steering make a satanic clunking sound. I did a quick search and read something about applying WD-40 to the rack, but i'm not sure if this is the same problem everyone has. If it is, can someone tell me exactly where to apply WD-40 to? not to sharp on...
  9. elmaso

    VR calais problem

    tried to get the calais out and running this arvo, pulled the battery off charge, connected it alarm goes off then when i try to start the car all i can hear is a quick ticking sound from the dash. (like behind the fuse panel) anyhoo, it wont turn on the dash lights or even try and start the...
  10. elmaso

    VS thermostat problem

    Evening all, I have a little problem with the breather screw ontop of the thermo housing, every time I try to undo the screw I just chip a bit off, does anyone have a solution to get the prick of a thing loose? Need to breath the cooking system in it! Cheers in advanced!
  11. elmaso

    Difference between 5L and ecotec radiator?

    In my VS berlina I was told it had a 5L radiator and trans cooler fitted, the trans cooler is pretty easy to identify, but I wanted to know how to tell the difference between a 5L and 3800 radiator. Any help is appreciated, cheers in advanced!
  12. elmaso

    what to do when you hear the words "lay off"

    at work today, i heard a rumor that there was going to be a few people layed off. normally i wouldn't think much of it ,but i'm still under a probationary period so if i'm layed off i'm not entitled to any reimbursements. so if this turns to be true, guess who the cheapest to get rid of...
  13. elmaso

    [VIC] Vt fog lights onto executive front bar

    As the title says, can you fit Calais fog lights/ bezels to an executive front bar? Cheers.
  14. elmaso

    to loan or not to loan?

    seeing as my cars going to cost WAY more than its worth to roadworthy, it gives me a good excuse to update as well! so i was wondering is a small loan (say 3500-5000) a smart move? i only make $500 p/w at the moment leaving me to save around 350ish a week (thats being REALLY tight with...
  15. elmaso

    restore windows 7 applications

    okay, hard to explain, but i'll try. somehow my mums boyfriend changed the icons on his desktop to all open on internet explorer. now, even if you got to open the "system restore" it'll try to open in internet explorer and asks to download an ".Ink" file. same with opening itunes or any...
  16. elmaso

    replacing front studs

    just wanted to be pointed in the right direction here, i was told to heat up the studs and hammer them into the hub (front left) then once its on the car chuck the nuts on and give them a good tighten, have i missed anything there? cheers
  17. elmaso

    VS stud difference

    g'day all, i made a thread ages ago about a wheel stuck on, i later found out it was the studs (being bent/old what not) now heres my trouble, i've been to the wreckers twice now, and they fist gave XF front studs, yeah i know XF falcon, how the #### they got that mixed up, i dont know...
  18. elmaso

    exhaust seal.

    im just wondering, in the pic i've posted, does is the seal just out of place? it looks a little like its hanging down, so would i need a new one or just try to out the current one back in place? anyhoo heres the picture:
  19. elmaso

    cleaning rockers

    g'day y'all, im just wondering what i would use to clean the rockers and rocker cover? clean them with degreaser or something? because mine look pretty bloody shocking lol anyhoo cheers.
  20. elmaso

    when a chain snaps....

    today, with a day off from work, we thought we should move some stuff from the yard, the old fella had the idea seeing as my mums magna was there, to just use that. anyhoo the result was a chain snapping and a gnarly hole left in my mums (what was) perfect magna. heres some pictures of our...
  21. elmaso

    common ecotec oil leak?

    g'day i was giving my engine bay a clean, poked my head under the car and noticed a a lot of oil has been leaking out, which brings me to my question, what could it be doing this? manifold gaskets are done. rocker covers need a new gasket. power steering leaks. but i dont think they could...
  22. elmaso

    exhaust leak

    when i gave the car i kick in the guts i noticed it was louder when standing next to it, not from the rear, i lent down to notice from the cat, it was leaking! now, i know this will probably affect RW, so how would i fix it?
  23. elmaso

    Drive belt tensioner

    now excuse me if this seems like silly question but where the #### is the Drive belt tensioner?! i've been seaching around the oil covered mess around the pullys and i cant find te bloody thing! can some one help me on this, or post a picture on where it is? because my serive manual is ####ing...
  24. elmaso

    mainfold gasket change

    hey all i was planing on changing the valley seal, and i just have a few questions. do i have to disconnect the cruise control with the throttle body? or just leave that on? and the fuel pump fuse (depressurize fuel) is that the fuse with F/pump? (may be a stupid question, but just making sure...
  25. elmaso

    is this normal?

    i took my VS out for a spin the other day, when driving i ust noticed the back support of my seat was sort of leaning inwards, when i got home and took a look from behind the car i noticed both of the seat where leaning inwards, so is this normal or are my front seats bent?
  26. elmaso

    power antenna

    yesterday, i removed my power antenna to change the mast, but i have no idea how you get the mast out of the antenna unit (or whatever there called), so could someone help me and tell how that little bastard comes out? cheers
  27. elmaso

    [VIC] auto re-trimmer

    i was wondering if anyone knows of any good auto trimmers around the geelong/western suburbs, i just wanted some recommendations, and have no idea where to start.
  28. elmaso

    valley seal and quarter window question.

    i was after some help with the torque specs for the, plenum, and manifold because were changing the valley seal, and most of it is drenched it years of leaking, so how would i go about cleaning it? oh, and where you seal rear quarter windows...
  29. elmaso

    what is this relay?

    when i changed the battery on my car, i noticed this relay (dunno if it is) and i have no idea what its for, but the back of its burnt out, and there where wires going from it to the battery that had been cut, so my question is, what is it for?
  30. elmaso

    stuck the wheel

    the passenger front wheel on my car is stuck on the hub, what i wanted to know is can i get the brake caliper off then remove the entire hub and what not, to take off the wheel. any help/instructions will be bloody genius! cheers.
  31. elmaso

    broken key...

    as the title suggests, i broke a key in the drivers side door lock (the battery was dead flat and i had to manually open the door) any way the broken stalk of the key is stuck right in the lock, does anyone know how i could get it out? any helps appreciated cheers.
  32. elmaso

    weak alarm

    on my VS the car alarm just doesn't sound as load as it should, i set of the one on me mum magna, and it nearly blew my ears off, but on the commodore it was just faint, not as load as it should be. i've checked all connections and the horn it self works well, but i have no idea what the...
  33. elmaso

    drivers side central locking

    in the last few days my drivers side central locking has developed a terrible buzzing noise when its unlocked, is there a way to fix it, like give it a clean or is it rooted?
  34. elmaso

    what is this?

    hey all, in a massive amount of spare parts i got, i have no idea what the hell these are to? i've been thinking they'd go somewhere around the the valley seals, but im not to sure. any helps is much appreciated cheers.
  35. elmaso

    vs rear park light problem

    in the rear left tail light socket theres what looks like grease (not sure if its is) i wanted to know is that meant to be there. another thing is the brake light doesn't work but tail light does. (i've changed globes but still does it) cheers in advance.
  36. elmaso

    Elmaso's S1 VS Berlina

    Elmaso's S1 VS Berlina - NEW RIMS! hey everyone, it finally arrived, my berlina, a bit dirty but when it came down on Sunday i was WAY to **** faced to know what a hose was and it been pissing down rain, KMs may be high but it runs bloody strong. oh it also came with a new set of 15' ceptors...
  37. elmaso

    Toyota Camry?

    dunno if this is where this should go, any way. my mum needs a new car (i suggested a commodore but she has a vendetta against the for some reason) so we were thinking a Camry (2003-2005 model) and i was wondering if any one has one or if they are good or not? any info is appreciated...
  38. elmaso


    if you's arent aware the uci is some bike race, thats in geelong for the week, now this is sorta getting to me, they've blocked off half of geelong, its giving me the shiits, if you want to go to ocean grove or something you have to take some big and completely ridicules route to get there, and...
  39. elmaso

    vehicle defects?

    i search for this topic but only came up with a thread from 2008, so my question is do you loose demerit points for defects? and if it gets multiple defects do you loose points? i just wanted to know so when i put ultra lows on my commodore if it gets defected i can chuck in some regular spring...
  40. elmaso

    disconnecting the battery

    okay (i feel like suck a dumb ass for this, please dont judge me!!) if you have the battery disconnected for too long will it root up the ecu or any computer in the vt? Edit* i know about the codes for the stereo.