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  1. L

    Electric Windows

    I just tried to use the search function, but 2 pages in couldn't find what I was looking for.. So please don't jump down my throat if this has already been asked 485125 times before! The last week or so, my drivers side window has been squeaking when I press it up or down... Any clues on...
  2. L


    I saw an accident today, that involved a rather, um, large woman who hit another car... I was sitting at the roundabout watching it, she was unable to see in her "blind" spot as she couldn't actually move her head, or body around to see... She literally took up the entire half of the car (albeit...
  3. L


    My driver side head light has streaking inside it... I spoke to my local Holden about it, they told me they couldn't do anything, that it was from condensation inside the unit. Is there a way I can clean/fix this?
  4. L

    Car Washes

    Just wondering, most ppl on here are fanatical about their cars, and looking after them too. Am I the only person that just goes through the automatic car wash? I live out in the sticks, so majority of my driving is highway driving, so my car is normally covered in bugs & red dirt... On the...
  5. L

    Lock question...

    Okay, so this might be ridiculously obvious... But, why does my car not have the safety lock thing? What I mean is, my sister has a vz auto, when she takes it out of park, it automatically locks all the doors. Does my car not do this because it's a manual? Do the VE autos have this function...
  6. L

    Grinding/scraping sound when reversing?

    I don't post in here as often as most (or as I should), mainly because compared to majority of users I don't know a hell of a lot about the workings of commodore's... ANYHOW... I have a problem. My VE, for the last month, in the mornings (when it's cold) when I reverse, I get a TERRIBLE...
  7. L

    VE Radio Settings

    I know this seems really, um, stupid.. But all my radio settings in my VE are gone.. And I can't work out to make them stay.. (Does that make sense?) I scan through all the channels to get to the next radio station, but when I press the button (on either the dash or the steering wheel) to go...
  8. L

    VT Fuel Gauge not working

    My fuel gauge in my car doesn't work. (And hasn't done in forever.. I just put up with it) Actually, it works to an extent I should say. When I fill it right up, it will go up to full (unless I overfill it, and then I'm assuming something in the tank gets stuck because on the dash the gauge...
  9. L

    Help! Indicators not working!

    I just got home, and going around the corner I noticed that my indicator didn't work.. Tried again, neither are working. No ticking sound, no light coming up. My hazards are working fine.. Just not the indicators. Does anybody have any idea what's causing it? Thanks :)