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Recent content by trel

  1. T

    VS SS Commodore 1996 Speedo not working

    Yeah find a different auto elec.
  2. T

    VT TPS sensor code 22 ??

    Can anyone specify the correct part for an 02 vx 3.8 please? I am having some flat spot issues and believe the TPS is the culprit after going through all the usual suspects.
  3. T

    SuperCharge Battery in VK - One of those "DOH" moments

    Totally different companies. Delkor are made in Korea owned by Clarios. Look them up and check the brands under them.
  4. T

    SuperCharge Battery in VK - One of those "DOH" moments

    I've said it before I'll say it again, the best batteries in terms of quality and value for money is Delkor. All of my cars have them and they last and last. One of them has been in the Mazda for 4 years now and still cranks on a cold day like it's a brand new battery.
  5. T

    Locked Steering Column

    Drill that tab out and it will never happen again. I guarantee you'll get a new barrell and be doing the same job again in a few years.
  6. T

    Locked Steering Column

    That YouTube video worked a charm for me. I had my barrell replaced 2 years ago and it did it again a few months ago. The barrell feels better than new now. **** paying a locksmith $300 bucks to come out and do a 15 min job.
  7. T

    Can anyone identify this gauge ???

    I reckon that's out of an old Toyota corona.
  8. T

    Oil leak at the bottom of the radiator

    Grab the Adrad radiator on eBay for your vehicles. I've found they last forever and a day if you maintain your cooling system regularly.
  9. T

    Where else to buy a Delco battery

    May I make a suggestion? Grab yourself one of these. The best batteries I've used on all my cars. They last for years. https://www.delkor.com/products/product-details/ln2---60efb
  10. T

    VR V8 caprice over fuelling

    You've thrown the parts cannon at it but not looked at the most obvious thing. Injectors.
  11. T

    Stalls at lights

    My leg hurts does anyone know why? Come on man, more info.
  12. T

    Keys ruined, or so I thought. Sharing my most recent drama.

    That was actually a good story to read.
  13. T

    Pinging on light throttle

    Great you got back with a resolution for everyone. Thanks.
  14. T

    Clock spring

    Where you buying from ?
  15. T

    Pinging on light throttle

    Fuel pump? What about the knock sensors themselves? Timing? You gotta check these things too if you haven't already.