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Recent content by Streetvision

  1. Streetvision

    The state of children nowadays

    You should be allowed to fight the students. nothing like a good ass kicking to put the little ****s back in line
  2. Streetvision

    1990 Vn Calais

    Nice car mate :D look after her
  3. Streetvision

    Why we split up.....

    That's classic.
  4. Streetvision

    Who wants a new pet

    ahaha its kinda like a HSV.. i just want one.
  5. Streetvision

    The Unthinkable

    I think someone was doing something naughty (and it happend in the movie titanic) in the back seat there :\
  6. Streetvision

    Advice Re Purchase Of Commodore Required

    Hey well my Vp has done more than 300,000 km, the guy who had it before me one of my parents mates has had it since new and hasent had any problems with it besides the usual stuff and a crank angle sensor. I've had it a few months, replaced the raidiator and its been running fine ever since.
  7. Streetvision

    Meh Security

    So i was the beach carpark last night, taking a few pictures of nothing to importiant, and up rolls this 4wd kinda startled me a little not knowing who it was. It was just a security dude wondering what the hell i was doing, which is fair enough i had the camera with me and showed him the...
  8. Streetvision

    drinking at home

    Heh, i can understand that. yeah i drink at home alone. call me an alcoholic then.
  9. Streetvision

    Has You Computer Taken Over Your Life?

    Yes, it did. not so much anymore.
  10. Streetvision

    Peter Brock Has Passed...

    Each state should hold a cruise in his memory.
  11. Streetvision

    Tribute to Brock...

    R.I.P Peter Brock
  12. Streetvision

    Newbie :)

    Welcome man :D looking forward to see those pics.
  13. Streetvision

    The Fort!

    lol In the FORT!
  14. Streetvision

    Off to work I go.

    I need another job. I need monies.
  15. Streetvision

    Detachable Face CD Players

    ahahahahahahha im more poor tho :whistling