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Recent content by Rufus®

  1. Rufus®

    [VIC] VN-VS parts and panel

    Pickup Bacchus Marsh, Vic $100 V6 Radiator out of VR $100 VR front passenger guard (brand new, unpainted) $50 Wooden steering wheel with boss kit Free V6 Clutch cable (VR) Free vacuum thingy all prices negotiable Will post pics soon
  2. Rufus®

    Paul Walker killed in car accident

    rip paul walker, harsh way to go, totally unexpected!
  3. Rufus®

    Any printer guys here?

    except new printers dont usually, if ever, come with full cartridges.
  4. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    from an article i read yesterday: interesting that she has changed her story.
  5. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    No probs, you book the flight, I'll handle everything else.... :P All I meant, was I'd prefer to see / hear a first hand response to the issue and not just the crap we are fed from dodgy news rooms
  6. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    or is it a case of a media beatup. get a coupla hundred "protesters" and show the world how united and pissed we supposedly are. it would be no different to the coverage racial and political protests get here. im sure they aren't happy but how many actually give a toss??
  7. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    Surely they could spin it so he apologises without him actually apologising for anything??!! I read a funny analogy earlier: Spying is like masturbation: everyone does it, it's embarrassing if you get caught doing it, but no way will you agree to give it up.
  8. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    yeah, you'd have thought he would have learnt by now..... go just ####ng go...
  9. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    ok so hiding was the wrong word. but why can he not answer the question? it was an easy question which took longer to answer than a simple yes/no....
  10. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    shhhh dont tell the public Immigration Minister Scott Morrison refuses to detail recent asylum seeker boat arrival in Question Time - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) how can he believe that by hiding the arrival we wont find out, or that the smugglers hes so worried about wont...
  11. Rufus®

    OS X Mavericks

    yeah, installed it last wednesday. no major issues, mac pro upgraded from 10.6.8 SL. a few older programs no longer run, im guessing they were universal binaries tho. seems to be a little slow opening folders on the NAS. had to update java so i could use adobe illy, otherwise everything else is...
  12. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    just curious, did you lose "a" house or "your" house?? big difference there...
  13. Rufus®

    Youtube.com and the like videos. - KEEP IT LEGAL PLEASE!

    Game of Thrones: Bad Lip Reading
  14. Rufus®

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    Palmer and Muir to vote together. Is Muir still part of the MEPA or is he now and independant? Clive Palmer joins forces with Motoring Enthusiast Ricky Muir in Senate voting bloc - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Should make for an interesting few years, or not....
  15. Rufus®

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    depends how bogan u are... a true bogan would just pull their pants up and go back to sitting on the couch downing VB tinnies