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Recent content by profat

  1. profat

    VT Seat Base Swap

    Greetings all ....its been a while since i posted or asked for advice from my fellow commy sufferers.. Heres my question.... As you all know due to the age of our behated cars the seat foam had a rude habit of falling apart especially on the drivers side..... can the passenger side base be...
  2. profat

    Radio off/door open prob

    Its ok Willy no offence given so none received......Shalom
  3. profat

    steering wheel swap vt

    Greeting fellow posters .......Shauna Tova.....Happy New Year to you all... Now to my dilemma.... as discussed in previous threads ...I'm fat ...and as such am finding difficulty driving with regards to gut to steering wheel clearance.....being fully aware of the illegality of removing the...
  4. profat

    21st century here I come

    cheers Delco its all new to me not wanting to alter anything even if I knew what I was doing but will seekout your suggestions
  5. profat

    21st century here I come

    No Husky just a scummy 3.8 v6 but I think that obd2 thingy might work too.
  6. profat

    21st century here I come

    cost being the governing factor kiwicon..I do have a windows lap top and a cert 3 in it but the car technology scares me
  7. profat

    New window regulator not fitting. Seller says it should.

    This might sound crazy but could he have supplied you with a sedan rear window regulator by mistake perhaps it was wrongly packaged or labelled.....has happened to me enough over the years...., try a wreckers and see if you can count the teeth on a rear regulator
  8. profat

    21st century here I come

    Greetings and salutations fellow forumers. As the title suggests I'm trying hard to embrace this technology crap in my car. I am obtaining a tablet with an Android OS and say an app that allows you get your cars data uplinked to the tablet( forgive if I make this sound dumb) so you can see...
  9. profat

    what did you do to your car today?

    put air in the tyres first time in 8 months.....been slack I know
  10. profat

    De-carbonizing Your Engine With Water?

    OK >>>>>As an old school mechanic and I emphasise OLD the use of water to de-carbonize your engine is not a misnomer it does actually work when done on carburated engines .....and it will work on efi systems as well....the principle is that the cold water shocks the valve surface which is...
  11. profat

    Standard filter vs pod filter

    As accentstencil stated more hot air and I do believe that is also defectable......the object is to get cooler air in
  12. profat

    vx fault help

    Hebrew isn't that hard..... just commodores is רק ה"קומודורס
  13. profat

    brought a Rodeo for the Mrs

    Please have wife post details of funeral so we can send flowers......aside from that slight dilemma I think she will like it
  14. profat

    VP rough on cold (need advice)

    the power of inductive reasoning or logic applies ....did the running rough symptom occur before or after the crack in your extractors ......if the rough running started after then yes it could be an issue ....if before then it could be any number of things causing it from cold start sensor...
  15. profat

    Weird Loud Noise (video) at start this morning. Low fuel?

    if I didn't know better it sounds like big end or main brgs because the oil is too thick in the cold winter mornings.....not good try a thinner lighter oil or if its a daily driver as you park it up at night (and I know this will sound stupid and bring on sledging galore) put a blanket over...