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Recent content by BOOST666

  1. BOOST666

    Which one looks more attractive: VZ Monaro or VE SS?

    Saw this at Summernats 27. Looked like it was well done.
  2. BOOST666

    vy prob

    Yes, flat battery
  3. BOOST666

    Jeremy Clarkson Has Been Suspended From “Top Gear”

    Calm down gossip queens
  4. BOOST666

    Not this again, which engine oil?

    Venta del Baron is a nice oil
  5. BOOST666

    Resetting the distance to empty

    ^^^ that's what I was thinking
  6. BOOST666

    The Beer Thread.

    Eeewwww Beer, give me a West Coast Cooler any day over a beer.
  7. BOOST666

    Mag wheel , make and model name

    First ones are VZ SS, second ones are VX GTS, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong guys but I'm pretty sure this is right.
  8. BOOST666

    vq caprice no power to climate control

    Ok, replace the relay that I mentioned above, that should sort it for you.
  9. BOOST666

    Slow drivers and handguns

    That's totally possible.
  10. BOOST666

    Slow drivers and handguns

    Older guy should have put the gun in his own mouth for being a total knob and casting a bad light on guns and gun ownership in general. I'm a proud firearm owner, long arms and handguns, I cringe whenever I see something like this, we just don't need the bullshit and more red tape hampering our...
  11. BOOST666

    Slow drivers and handguns

    It said that the younger guy nudged the back of the older guys car once the older guy had overtaken. Older guy would have been bricking it after that and shot out of fear... It's totally wrong.
  12. BOOST666

    Slow drivers and handguns

    Really? I had no idea ;)
  13. BOOST666

    vq caprice no power to climate control

    When you turn your headlights on, does the climate control light up too? If so, the likely culprit will be the LP.CHK relay located in the black box in the engine bay.
  14. BOOST666

    Slow drivers and handguns

    Ok, a bit of devils advocate here, and this is of course hypothetical. If the young bloke nudged the older guy from behind while travelling at speed, is he not the instigator? He could have caused a serious accident and killed the older guy and his wife, then when he went to overtake, the older...
  15. BOOST666

    Oil in my air intake pipe

    If you have all the bolts out, the TB will have "grown" on to the gaskets a bit, same for the gasket and intake. Get a dead blow hammer and lightly tap it to free it up, you'll probably tear the gasket so have another handy. And yeah it's a shitty factory design to lower emissions. That is a bit...