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Recent content by 05LHSV300

  1. 0

    1998 Hsv Clubsport

    05LHSV300 submitted a new Showcase Item: 1998 Hsv Clubsport Read more about this showcase item here...
  2. 1998 Hsv Clubsport

    1998 Hsv Clubsport

    Last of the Aussies
  3. 0

    1990 Hsv Clubsport

    05LHSV300 submitted a new Showcase Item: 1990 Hsv Clubsport Read more about this showcase item here...
  4. 1990 Hsv Clubsport

    1990 Hsv Clubsport

    One of the first 60, Bare bones from factory Had a bit of work done by previous owner to the engine, had to replace a few interior bits, and the original paints on the peel. Still have the original P700 on the spare
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    1990 Hsv Clubsport

    05LHSV300 submitted a new Showcase Item: 1990 Hsv Clubsport Read more about this showcase item here...
  6. 1990 Hsv Clubsport

    1990 Hsv Clubsport

  7. 0

    Vn clubsport press test mystery

    Would you believe, I was refered to join this forum and message the exact person your suggesting. Sent the guru a pm, I don't think he has seen it yet tho. Thanks
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    Vn clubsport press test mystery

    Yes, also paid for the authentication cert from HSV
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    Vn clubsport press test mystery

    I've been trying to find some(any) history on my vn press test clubsport. It's authenticated as a 1990, has a uml vin, is imperial blue and HSV claim it as a mystery car. Anyone up for a challenge?
  10. 0

    Vn clubsport press test mystery

    I've been trying to find some(any) history on my vn press test clubsport. It's authenticated as a 1990, has a uml vin, is imperial blue and HSV claim it as a mystery car. Anyone up for a challeng?